Before leaving for the safari park yesterday, I had taken a moment to look around at all the things in the Village. I was struck with the realization that all that I saw at that moment was the result of person who simply said "Jesus, what do you want me to do" and then simply abandoned all, not giving in to limitations based on what could rationally or humanly could be done but just followed His leading step by step. And He pared her (Cindy) up with another "one" (Rose) who had already been loving and counseling these children to do what could only be described as miraculous.
And now, because of one:
- there is a Village- with 6 homes, each with two "moms" to care for the children, 2 school buildings, acre upon acre of farming, clean latrines and shower areas, a "football" aka soccer field, two homes for the staff, several cement huts for staff and visitors, a solar powered well pump,....and so much more just in the past three years.
-154 children now live in safety and freedom, no longer having to scrounge for food...or love
-154 children have a school to attend and a hope for the future
- 300+ children still in the refugee camps have a hope of something better to come- and are reminded of this hope over and over again as visitors from America come to ensure them that they are indeed not forgotten
- these children who have suffered tremendous loss and abuse and have seen things with their innocent little eyes that no one should ever have to see much less experience first hand, now have joy and freedom
- these children who have been brainwashed and forced to kill, now are gentle , kind, and oh so loving.
- the children still in the refugee camps have not formed gangs, have not resorted to violence and stealing as is so common in the other camps with children who have not recieved the love of the Father through one of His humble servants
And because of one, my heart is no longer the same. As these children continue to capture more and more of my heart, there is less and less room for greed and selfishness and self-centeredness, and much more room for real joy and freedom and love.
I pray the same for each of you, whether your experience is first-hand or through the writings on this blog. May your heart also be changed, and may you become another "one" through whom the King works His great miracles as you step out and simply say "Lord, what do you want me to do".