Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Countdown to Africa adventure, take III (June 2011)

This is my unsuccessful attempt at photographing myself amidst the myriad of supplies ya'll have donated (I finally gave up and just took a photo of two of the full bags). Once again I am humbled and in awe of the crazy generosity all of you have shown in supporting the children with material supplies, finances, and prayer. Without all of your support, this third (yes THIRD!!) trip to see the Village of Hope children would be, well, essentially pretty lame to put it bluntly!

So thanks again for supporting the children and our team. There have been several prophetic words given to this all-female-no-Y-chromosomes-allowed team regarding this trip and we are all pretty dang excited to see what the Lord does this time around! We have several things prepared to do with and teach the kids, but as always, we leave the final agenda to the One much smarter than all of our neurons put together!

Stay tuned for updates and hopefully pictures (beware of the sheen aka perspiration effect on our faces, however. It is only several degrees off the equator, after all). There are rumors of a dance/music competition to be held while we are there- for the children, of course, not for this rhythmically-challenged white girl or her comrades :)- so sit back and enjoy another adventure with us as we depart in two days!


  1. Looking forward to the updates. Miss you, praying for you, your team and all the people you will meet.
    Also, I went by the traffic light...it was still red!!

  2. I'm also looking forward to updates.
