My apologies again for the delay. This picture (with a cute boy drinking his smoothie and me in my dress and socks) was actually uploaded on the blog 2 days ago but I didn't get to actually blog. I can't recall the exact details of the events surrounding the non-blogging, but I would surmise that it included one of the following: toddlers needing to go potty, older toddler yelling to be wiped after just going poop, toddlers hungry, toddlers making a mess that needed intervention before a professional cleaning crew was needed, toddlers unable to mediate a successful resolution to the both-wanting-the-same-toy-at-the-same-time conundrum, toddlers wanting to snuggle Mommy, toddlers wanting to play "hide" under the blanket, toddlers needing pj's on and teeth brushed, and/or toddlers needing to be sung to and tucked in bed. None of these are a super duper excuse in the big scheme of things, but they are likely the reasons nonetheless.
Yesterday's schedule included me working another full day, followed by dinner (prepared by hubby and Lexi), followed by donning layers upon layers to go see the Christmas lights at Rocky Ridge. It was well worth the "hassle" as both boys LOVED all the lights! We as a family have been praying about what to actually celebrate during this holiday season (after becoming more aware of the actual origins of "Christmas") and while we are still in a time of limbo on certain things, putting up lights was one thing we felt the Lord gave a thumbs up for as HE is the Light of the World. So the light display at Rocky Ridge park was a wonderful delight to celebrate for all of us. I may have a picture of me in my layers, boots and dress, but if I do, it was taken on my husband or Lexi's phone, so I'll try to post tomorrow if I can find one. It was a sight to see for sure!
But as I was getting dressed with the layers, any small "inconvenience" of wearing a dress was quickly dismissed as I reminded my husband of why I "had" to wear a dress. If my wearing a dress for a month helps to free just ONE innocent child from a life of abuse, rape and horror, it is MORE than worth it.
If you haven't yet, would you like to join the fight against human slavery and donate to the link on my Facebook page? Thanks friends!
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