Today's post is brought to you by steady busy: Woke up, children fed, oldest off to preschool, to Roots for produce with my littlest, home, pick up oldest at preschool, off to work, to friend's house to pray for her, home, snuggle two cute boys, quickly make dessert and biscuits, off to neighbor's for dinner (thankfully I didn't have to cook and it was YUMMY and healthy!), back home to prepare for tomorrow's work, quick take a selfie in the mirror and upload to my blog before going back to neighbor's to finish the movie they have already started while my boys race around with their children.
Whew. Maybe for some of you, this is a normal day, but prior to today, I've had a little more time just to be at home so this is a little much for this momma who is used to the beautiful chaos being primarily home-based.
So in saying all of that, I'm aware that some people/children do not even have a home base. They are caught in a viscious life of slavery. Lord, use us as instruments to end this horror!
What happened to your personal photographer???