This outfit was not the original dress outfit today. Originally I had the dress, tights, boots and a loose cardigan. However when I got home from church, I was going for more of a comfy Sunday afternoon outfit so on went the leggings and fleece over top of the dress. And note, this picture was one EJ took. He is definitely improving on his photo skills!
Today in church, we sang the song "You're Beautiful" by Phil Wickham. It's always been a favorite of mine since I first heard it when my dear friend Cindy sang it quite a while ago. The last verse gets me every time (and of course this was one of the only days in the last month I actually wore mascara!):
"When we arrive at eternity's shore
Where death is just a memory and tears are no moreWe'll enter in as the wedding bells ring
Your bride will come together and we'll sing
You're beautiful"
Every time I sing those lyrics, all I see is Jesus welcoming me home as his bride and my emotions are 10X the intensity they were when I walked down the isle to marry my beloved husband 4 1/2y ears ago. Today as tears were streaming down my face as I sang those words and envisioning Jesus welcoming me home, I also had tears for those whose lives here on earth are a horror I can't even being to imagine. My heartfelt cry was "Lord, bring them Home too. Let them know of your Love and bring them to eternity with You".
Thanks for those of you who are with me on this journey. Financial contributions to help those organizations working to free those enslaved in human trafficking are essential AND so is prayer to bring them to eterrnal freedom!
I do have to say that it does look comfy. You are getting quite adapt at this dress thing. :)